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In 2016 PLUTON completed the project on Lviv (Ukraine) city electric transport traction substations modernization. This project was financed under the loan of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Lviv city electric transport
Most of the previously operated equipment at Lviv traction substations included obsolete components, switching devices and remote control means that have outlived their usefulness and no longer provided reliable and uninterrupted power supply. High level of costs for repairs and maintenance, and high losses of electricity characterized the equipment. Thus, there was an urgent need for complete and partial replacement of substation equipment for more up-to-date equipment that had higher energy efficiency and met modern requirements and standards.  
Technical modernization at Lviv city electric transport traction substation TSS-2

Technical modernization at Lviv city electric transport traction substation TSS-2

The project resulted in successful implementation of all necessary works on the supply, installation, commissioning and other related works required to modernize 19 traction substations and operator control center for Lviv city electric transport centralized power supply.  
Modernization included: 
  • complete and partial modernization of medium voltage switchgear 6 kV;  
  • complete and partial modernization of DC switchgear 600 V;
  • replacement of auxiliaries equipment;
  • modernization of substations and operator control center remote control system (including introduction of SCADA system);
  • implementation of integrated electric power metering system; 
  • installation of security and fire alarm; 
  • implementation of necessary civil works. 
It’s worth noting that equipment modernization works at the substations were carried out without interruption of tram and trolleybus systems operation. The works time schedule delivered minimum inconvenience to Lviv residents and guests. Most of the works were carried out in stages during the night.
Complete replacement of medium voltage switchgear 6 kV at traction substation TSS-3
Complete replacement of medium voltage switchgear 6 kV at traction substation TSS-3
Partial modernization of medium voltage switchgear 6 kV at traction substations TSS-4, TSS-5
Partial modernization of medium voltage switchgear 6 kV at traction substations TSS-4, TSS-5
Complete replacement of DC switchgear 600 V at traction substation TSS-2
Complete replacement of DC switchgear 600 V at traction substation TSS-2
Partial modernization of DC switchgear 600 V at traction substation TSS-7
Partial modernization of DC switchgear 600 V at traction substation TSS-7
Control current cabinet and SCADA cabinet at traction substation TSS-3
Control current cabinet and SCADA cabinet at traction substation TSS-3
As part of the modernization project, traction substations were equipped with modern SCADA system applying main (wired) and standby (GSM) communication channels. As a result, the level of prompt response significantly improved, the possibility to continuously monitor the status of power system key performance indicators, as well as to remotely control power circuit in normal and emergency modes appeared. 
New equipment allows registering alarms, logging events, making self-diagnostics of hardware, software and communication channels operation. 
As a result of SCADA system modernization, control response, safety and reliability indicators were improved, high failure safety of the system and redundancy of critical components was provided, as well as maintenance costs were significantly reduced. 
Also, modern remote control system implemented on the basis of industrial SCADA-system was integrated on the basis of existing operator control center within the framework of modernization. The system significantly reduced response time for emergency situations in city electric transport power supply, as well as optimized the number of staff.
Visualization of Lviv city electric transport power supply facilities on operator workstation
Visualization of Lviv city electric transport power supply facilities on operator workstation
Visualization of Lviv city electric transport power supply facilities on operator workstation

Visualization of Lviv city electric transport power supply facilities on operator workstation
Modernization of city electric transport outdated traction substations with modern equipment manufactured by PLUTON allowed increasing reliability of rolling stock power supply, to significantly extend the life of modernized equipment, to reduce costs of the enterprise on electrical facilities servicing, as well as to reduce energy losses. 
According to preliminary calculations of LUE "Lvivelektrotrans", modernization of all traction substations will enable the enterprise to reduce its costs by approximately 20 %.
Lvov city electric transport