PLUTON took part in the InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin More details
Ukraine |en
Name of parameter Unit of measurement Value
Input voltage frequency Hz 50 ± 2 %
Ratio of current forcing p.u. 2
Ratio of voltage forcing p.u. 2
Duration of maximum forcing, max. s 60
Range of output voltage regulation p.u. 0,06…2,0 Uн
Single-phase auxiliaries supply voltage V 220 + 10/-15 %
DC operating voltage V 220 or 110 (+10 /-15 %)
Efficiency coefficient, min. - 0,95
Coefficient of network current nonlinear distortions, max. % 5
Protection level - IP 21…IP 54 (upon request)
Lifetime, min. years 15
Mean recovery time, max. min 40
Interference resistance - meets all standards requirements
Long-term permissible deviation of generator voltage frequency Hz +2/-3