Contact rail feeding switchgear (RU-825PR) is provided for dead-end siding with and without ditch contact rail feeding, for switching of circuit, of main-line track orifice plate - dead-end siding orifice plate (maintenance inspection track section).
RU-825PR provide power supply and distribution with 825 V voltage and 4000 А rated current.
RU-825PR is designed as double-side serviced metal cabinets, each of them is a separate section and the number of sections can very depending on the Customer’s requirements.
RU-825PR includes power devices for power distribution (automatic and manual control), control, indication, signaling and protection systems.
Disconnectors power bus bars and switching power part are separated from control zone. There are overview windows on front doors for disconnectors position visual observation.
Connection of power cables to disconnector is provided from the top or from the bottom through special pressure seals.
Please, contact us if you have any technical queries, requests regarding customized equipment procurement or equipment delivery time